Thursday, October 1, 2009


So I started this blog to be able to show the journey of my learning the language of Persian. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a missionary. But these days there are so many people coming to this country to live so I have the privilege of being a 'missionary at home'! There are so many that have moved here from Iran and Afghanistan, in San Diego county there are about a million. The bible says that the 'good news of God's kingdom must be preached before the end of this wicked system can come' so we want to make sure that all have the opportunity to hear that hope! In an effort to do that, I am learning Persian to be able to speak to such ones in their native tongue. Its been a blast. I started the middle of June, so almost 4 months ago. Its not easy by any means, lots of studying, reading, writing and prayer, but it has been the time of my life! I hope to be able to show you from here what its like to learn a new language and try to teach in it! Hope you enjoy!!! Agape,

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