Monday, June 14, 2010

Video of my first talk in Persian

Hello everyone! So sorry for the delay in getting this on here! Life has been insane lately! Here is the video of my first talk in Persian. I know you wont understand it but enjoy!

Love to you all!!!

Persian Clock

Found this picture today and thought I would share so you can see what our numbers look like in Persian! Enjoy!

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Talk

So I gave my talk Wednesday night! It went great! I was so nervous before when we were practicing but then once I got on stage I felt this peace and calmness come over me and I was able to deliver the talk nice and smooth. I was even able to deliver all my pronunciations correctly too! I am maticulous about making sure I am saying it right! After the meeting Jen, me, Austin, Tom and Matt all went to dinner at Phil's, I was STARVING!!! Jen recorded my talk so as soon as I get it from her I will post it here for those of you wanting to see it! Til next time...