Just bought some "Farsi Keyboard Stickers" (see picture below) for my keyboard. They will help me in typing my talk! Had meeting tonight! I could not get my brain to function in Persian. I had all these answers prepared and I just couldnt get them said, it was driving me nuts. I am hoping it was just because I was so tired today. Came home from work and crashed. Jen woke me up so that I could eat dinner and go to meeting. I am glad I went. It was so encouraging and we got to meet some Swiss German brothers. They went to Mammoth for a month, now spending some time in SD, then going on a West Coast road trip for a month and then down to Mexico for a month to help on a quick build. They were very nice! Made plans with Alexis for her to come over and help me with the rest of my talk Fridsay night. So her and Simon are going to come over, I will feed them dinner and she will help me with my talk! Yay! That way I can get it typed up and then have some time to practice it before I give it, two weeks from tonight. Well, going to crash in bed again. Love to all,
Farsi Keyboard stickers